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Friday, August 16, 2019

New Joker Film Disappoints with Weak Origins. A Clown Costume Cannot Create Mega Villain Satus by Itself. Big Face-Off Versus Current King of Evil Can.

Without a Villainous Force to Fight,  This Joker is Skin Deep, Untested and More Deserving Than This. 

Any origin or rise to power tale worth making a film about should involve an event truly worth the cost of admission.  "Dull don't draw," kind of recaptures a message shared by Stanley Kubrick about picking the right project to pursue.

"Make it real, but not boring," he reminded us all.

This upcoming origin tale rests in a world where clown status ALONE is tantamount to a super- villain.  Shooting a TV host during a live program appears to be enough, too.

Who cares?  What is worth getting excited about?  Joker's origin film must be anchored with a battle worth talking about.  If the Joker is to rise he has to become a fierce frightening force in the minds of the masses--especially in those commissioned to stop his terror.  The only way The Joker can predominate an evil stable is if he carries with him an unparalleled presage that truly can define a character, make them virtually unstoppable.

His origin should include early suffering at the hands of the current king heavy and impossible force.  Dig one up - big headed baddie named "Egg Head" who has a rule that people never look at his head.  An Egyptian expansionist with money and an unbeaten streak in the shape of “King Tut.”  Comic fan boys will rush to buy a ticket.  A man with a deformed noggin they call "Clayface."  Come on Warner's  - BRING IT.

Joker needs to earn the name and he must persevere and overcome impossible odds.

Otherwise a gun and a bullet kills him.  Who gives a sh*t?

Early "film festival promoters" have only performed their job by praising the film and even predicting Oscar wins.  Phoenix is a top 3 best living actor.  He and Hoffman may have experimented with heroin together…they were very close in “Master” and this may be speculation-you decide.

Warners made a HUGE POWER MOVE IN sidelining Leto and bring in JP.  Sadly, the sizzle and seductive lure of this film stopped there because The Joker has nobody to fight against and if unchallenged, untested then there really is nothing to get optimistic about.  Joker's rise should be legendary; we are getting ordinary and being asked to pay for it.

The studio is betting that since the opposing force of this film is the 1%, that people will like it and blah, blah, blah. Nothing will change – it’s success will only make the 1% richer and the rest of us poorer simply due to the widespread outbreak of a deadly spirit killing disease called :


Ha ha ha ha ha ha !  

"Are you laughing now?"



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