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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rush (2013) [ R e c y c l e d - T i t l e ] Film Review: Meets High Expectations - Ron Howard is Back in "Beautiful Mind" Tier Form - Good For Us.

Similar to Wooderson, Michael Myers, Rocky, Greg Brady, and Leatherface, and last but not least - CHRISTOPHER WALKEN and Ledger's Joker...NIKKI LAUDA received vocal shouts of support from the Web-Master at his private screening this week.
   The real life tale of the 1976 Formula One racing circuit received valuable information from one of the two men this film centers on.  Nikki Lauda has publicly praised the film - even using the language "there's no Hollywood-type alterations, which is nice."

Ron Howard's last film, the ectremely unfunny "The Dilemma," appears to have permit him to come to the realization about having to go back and revisit some basic movie making principles.  All the better for us, as he has directed a fine film.

Daniel Bruhl plays Lauda, the best racer on the planet, from Austria, driving for Ferrari.  James Hunt, the blonde brit party guy, also exhibits an ability to be the best and the film chronicles the 1976 F-! racing season.

Outside of using silly dialogue, like "He's stoked!" the film does not err much.  Watching a racing film on the big screen is a good idea, I propose, and this one gets it done.

While it is true I have refrained from watching "Days of Thunder" purely as a function of how I could not watch Tom Cruise films ( still, I struggle, but ever since Kubrick decided to use him in EWS, I enjoyed his work in that film, and I think Kubrick educated him - and changed his method for the better.  Outside of DOT, and the Fast and Furious films ( another set of films I have no interest in seeing due to what I expect to be awful dialogue, atrocious acting, filming, and just a waste of resources), the last racing film I can recall is Burt Reynolds' "Stroker Ace (1983).

Race car films are enjoyable because we do not have to deal with the planted illuminati black and white pattern.  Yes!  We have the checkered flag - which is great!

While I did see some unusual faces ( not as obviouis as the eyes that can be seen on top pof the N and W on Paul McCartney's new album art) and I am sure there are some pyramids... I was impressed with the way Howard shot this film.  He did it right... and it was enjoyable.  I usually can gauge the score of a film during its first hour.  If I look at my watch and it's within 60 minutes of the film's start ( after the 18.5 minutes of previews), then there's a problem.

No issue here - "RUSH" represents a rare gem:  a film with true source material, exciting source material, races, competition, trgaedy and big comebacks that flirt with acheiveing the impossible... this film re-creates an adrenaline-laced, unporedictable set of circumstances... and it is almost perfect.

SCORE:  8.9991 ,  Daniel Bruhl does an excellent job playing Luada, Hemsworth is OK.  Howard is the real star here - as he composes a race car opera.

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